Scid newborn screening
Scid newborn screening

The T-cell receptor excision circle test.


ASCIA is the peak professional body for clinical immunology and allergy in Australia and New Zealand. Newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiency, the most profound form of primary immune system defects, has long been recognized as a measure that would decrease morbidity and improve outcomes by helping patients avoid devastating infections and receive prompt immune-restoring therapy. This news item was issued on 4 July 2022 and updated on 1 August 2022 by Jill Smith, CEO of the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA). SCID newborn screening was first implemented in the North American State of Wisconsin, added to the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP) in 2010, and adopted more slowly world-wide. To read more about the Strategy launch go to The ASCIA Immunodeficiency Strategy is available at American College of Medical Genetics, Newborn Screening ACT Sheet, Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) and Conditions Associated with T Cell Lymphopenia. SCID is fatal in the first two years of life without early and definitive intervention which is enabled by newborn screening. An abnormal screening test for SCID means the newborn may have a low number of a type of white blood cell called T cells. Most patients with SCID have a genetically identifiable cause, and usually develop severe, recurrent, persistent and opportunistic respiratory and gastrointestinal infections within the first few months of life, with failure to thrive. This path was initiated by the United States in 2010, with the Department of Health and Human Services recommending SCID for uniform screening. The incidence of SCID is about 1 in 58,000 births. Newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiencies (SCID) is slowly but surely becoming a reality in many countries. Newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiency, the most profound form of primary immune system defects, has long been recognized as a measure that would decrease morbidity and improve outcomes by helping patients avoid devastating infections and receive prompt immune-restoring therapy.

scid newborn screening scid newborn screening

It is anticipated that other Australian states will also make funding commitments for SCID newborn screening.

Scid newborn screening